Sainte-Croix Église de Tunis
Rue Jemaa Zitouna, between Bab Bhar and Jemaa Zitouna LINKS khadija Djelouilli: Presbytere Sainte Croix peau neuve. On: 4 October 2017 La Municipalité de Tunis et l’Ambassade d’Italie à Tunis: Sainte-Croix – Un patrimoine Méditerranéen au cœur de la Médina de Tunis Zaher Kammoun: Le Presbytere de Tunis La medina de Tunis aux […]
Salma Kossemtini
Salma Kossemtini is a young curator, interior designer and future art theorist. Her interest focuses on contemporary art, design and their socio-cultural impact. The young curator developed her interest by starting as the curators’ assistant of INTERFERENCE, the project of art of light in the medina of Tunis from these beginnings. Since then, she has […]